01 August 2011

I was here...

Beyonce's new song, "I was here" is definitely my theme song here in Guatemala.  "I will leave my mark so that everyone will know... I was here!!!" Check it out!

I am so excited about my site. I've been placed in the western highlands of Guatemala, in the department called San Marcos. It's so cold here, but great! Beautiful, but of course, the entire country of Guatemala is beautiful. I can't wait to take pictures so I can show you all my site. I've been so busy working, and sleeping, that I haven't even taken pictures! lol Can you believe me, not taking pictures...?!?!

So, we each had 2-3 "interviews" to talk to our APCD (Associate PC Director) for the Healthy Homes Program. I told Basilio, so I don't have much of a preference in the climate, I just want a site where I can really learn Spanish and work in a Centro de Salud (more urban site the has more coordination over the smaller rural areas). And guess what I got, an urban site (even though I'm working in a Puesto, which is better actually) and mostly spanish speaking. I'm so blessed, absolutely love my site! Now, you may be asking, what do I mean by spanish speaking, I'm in Guatemala... well there are a lot of Mayan indigenous people living in the areas of our program. Actually, they are mostly the people that we work with to improve their living conditions. Also, there are 20+ Mayan languages, which, for me, are very hard to learn... Luckily for me, I can focus on perfecting my spanish than working on Spanish and a native Mayan language (which would be Mam in my area).

Today starts my 3rd week in site and things are moving very fast for me...much faster than I anticipated. I have definitely got to talk to future PCV's because a lot of the advice that was given to me has not come to past!...Like my daily siestas, and my down time every day once I get to site...I feel like I'm back at CDC doing reports, meeting with people, and on my computer all day... but I love it because this work is So different and challenging, mostly because it's in Spanish. Right now I'm focusing my energy on preparing my Health Promoter program. I'm going to meet with them monthly for a year and teach them different preventive health techniques in an entertaining way... My first program is at the end of the month. I want to have a contract written up for each of them to sign about what's expected of them, why this program is important to their community, and what we're going to talk about/do for the next year... so that's a lot and keeps me plenty busy, mentally at least...

The other thing I'm busy worrying about (yes, still a worry wart in Guate- but not as much) is my housing. Unfortunately, I have not settled in at all...still living out of my suitcase. I have a host family, that was approved, but for some reason when it was approved, they didn't realize that I would have to live out of my front door, into the street, to go to the bathroom, or do anything else in the house...it's very annoying. Quite frankly, I can't do this for 2 years, and it has been hard doing it for 3 weeks... but hey, welcome to Peace Corps...that's what this life is about. While I'm complaining about men greeting me in the morning on my way to the bathroom, there are other PCVs that don't even have bathrooms (use latrines)...so I'll get over myself... But of course, it's so hard to count your blessings in the midst of a "storm" but I've gotten better at that. So thank you GOD for blessing me with a Wonderful site, a wonderful Counterpart that isn't telling the entire community that I am here to start money dropping projects, and that I'm in good health and sound mind!

So, there it is... I'll be sure to keep you all updated. Let me know what you want to know...

Love and miss you all! :-)

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Shantrice. I know they'll find you a better place to stay with a restroom. Your site sounds amazing. I looked at a map online and saw six volcanoes. The cool weather is hard to imagine; it is so hot in GA.
